Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We moved and we are Back in the Debate - Two Priorities for Real Health Reform

Excuse the long absence from the blogosphere. We have been focusing on launching our direct to consumer service and growing our b2b business, as well. www.bWell-informed.com is available to the public to find affordable health insurance (for instance an alternative to often expensive COBRA policies), after learning about it effectively on line.

Since my last blog entry, we have moved from New York City to Cleveland, Ohio. The main purpose is operational cost savings and increased access to b2b and b2c users of bWell-informed Health Plan Forecaster. Headquarter in Cleveand, we also have access to the health and medical capital of the world (Cleveland Clinic, MedicalMart, etc.), and all the associated by products that enrich the business community for companies like bWell-informed.

I had the pleasure of attending, early last week, a health reform discussion at the Intercontinental Hotel, adjacent to the Cleveland Clinic. The most profound statement of the morning Summit sponsored by The Fedeli Group and Ernst and Young, was made by Dr. Delos (Toby) Cosgrove, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. He said that any legislation we pass federally is simply cost shifting. Dr. Cosgrove proceeded to say if we don't reduce the obesity of Americans and enable providers to be more integrated and organized, no legislation will replace these accomplishments.

So, it's more about the organization of the suppliers and the wellness of the demanders of health care. These thoughts speak to a real marketplace. It is time that we create the conditions necessary for reform like this that sustains not only our health, but our economy.